Policies » Dance Policy

Dance Policy

Dance Policy

Requirements to attend dances:
Students must be in good standing to attend dances. This means that all fines must be paid, all detentions or Saturday Schools assigned are being served, and privileges have not been revoked for disciplinary reasons.

On Campus Dances: Guests at these dances must be current high school students in good standing and must submit a completed guest pass 48 hours in advance of the dance. These are held on campus and require that students show their current, valid student ID.
Off Campus Dances: Guests who are 21 years old and over may not attend RAHS dances. Students wishing to bring guests must submit a completed guest pass at least 48 hours in advance of the dance.

Dress for Dances: The school dress code is still in effect for dances. Enforcement of the dress code for dances is somewhat more relaxed since classroom instruction is not involved, but clothing must be safe and appropriate for a public setting. Some specific dance-related dress code items are listed: tops with spaghetti straps are allowed, but strapless tops are not permitted; undergarments should not be visible and midriffs should still be covered; pants/skirts must not be baggy, low-cut, or short to the point that they become overly exposing; hats bandanas, sweat bands, or gang apparel is not permitted.

Dance Rules: Students may leave the dance at any time, but may not return once they have left. No freak dancing or circle/acrobatic dancing. Students dancing inappropriately will be asked to leave the dance and must leave the campus within 20 minutes. Students asked to leave a dance will mot be allowed to attend the next one. Students are expected to follow all school rules while at dances.

Transportation after Dances: Students must be on their way home within 15 minutes after the dance. Students still remaining after that time will not be allowed to attend the next dance. On campus dances end at 11pm and students must be picked up no later than 11:15 pm. Students must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the noted end time for off campus dances.