Attendance Office
Attendance Office
Phone Number: 714-663-6444
Olivia Hernandez Attendance Secretary (Last Names A - L)
Tara Miller Attendance Clerk (Last Names M – Z)
Tara Miller Attendance Clerk (Last Names M – Z)
Angelica Hernandez-Benoit Community Liasion Spanish
Santiago Galvez Community Liasion Spanish
Attendance Policy
“Students need to be on time, attend school regularly, and attend all assigned classes. Good attendance is essential for academic success.”
- If a student is absent a parent should call the Attendance Office after 8:30 am. Upon return to school, a parent must write and sign a note giving dates(s) and reason for absence.
- Excessive absences will require a parent conference.
- Please schedule appointments (medical, dental, DMV) after school hours.
- If a student knows that he/she will be absent for 3 or more days, a note must be brought to the Attendance Office prior to the absence. It is the student’s responsibility to get homework and classwork from teachers prior to leaving.
- Students who arrive to their first period class more than thirty minutes late without a valid written reason from a parent will be marked absent and will be assigned detention.
- Students who are truant the last period of their school day will be assigned a Saturday School.
- Leaving Campus: Students who need to leave campus early should bring a note from a parent indicating the reason for leaving and release time. Students should bring the note to the attendance office before going to their first class. The Attendance Office will call the parent to verify the request and will issue an off-campus pass to the student. If a parent picks up a student to go off campus, a valid photo I.D. (driver’s license) must be presented to the office staff. A student who becomes ill or needs to leave during school hours must come to the nurse to get an Off-Campus Pass before leaviing campus. Students who leave campus without a pass will be assigned a Saturday School.
- Senior Privilege: Seniors may leave campus for lunch if a permission slip, signed by a parent in front of school personnel, is on file in the Attendance Office. Seniors who do not return from lunch while on senior privilege will be considered truant and will be assigned a Saturday school. If a senior cannot return to school, a parent must call the attendance office the same day. Senior privilege will be revoked for excessive tardies, truancies, or lending an I.D. to another student. Senior privilege is a privilege and not a right.
- ROP Enrollment: A color-coded sticker will be attached to the I.D. card of students who need to leave campus early to attend a ROP class.
Consequences for Violating School Regulations
Detentions must be served at lunch Monday through Friday, in room 401. Students will be assigned one detention for each tardy.
Saturday School
Saturday School is conducted from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon every Saturday (excluding some holiday weekends). Students who do not serve assigned Saturday schools will be suspended and placed in the Alternative Suspension Classroom at Hare High School. Students with unserved detentions or Saturday Schools will not be allowed to participate in dances.
Saturday school is assigned for the following reasons:
- Leaving campus during lunch or a scheduled class period without the proper check-out procedure
- Forgery of any school document
- Multiple single-period truancies
- Unserved tardy detentions
Off Campus Suspension
Suspension means the removal of a student from all school activities (including extracurricular activities such as clubs, sports and ROP classes) by an authorized member of the administrative staff for a specific and limited amount of time. Students who are suspended off campus to the Alternative Suspension Classroom at Hare High School, may not be on or around campus during their suspension.