Health Office
Health Office
Rancho’s school nurse is available for health counseling and emergencies. Rancho’s health aide and office staff will help when the nurse is not available. If a student has an accident or other health emergency, the student should ask a teacher or another student to accompany him/her immediately to the health office located in the front office.
School Nurse: Janine Caraballo
Health Clerk: Nancy Perez
School Nurse: Janine Caraballo
Health Clerk: Nancy Perez
Immunization Requirements
Before admission to Rancho Alamitos, all students must show proof of immunizations against the following illnesses:
- Poliomyelitis,
- DPT (diphtheria, pertussus, tetanus),
- Hepatitis B,
- Varicella or proof of having had chicken pox
- MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
Tuberculosis Test
Before admission new students from within the state of California must provide documentation of having a TB test after age 4. If they do not have this documentation then they will need to have a new TB test before they can complete registration and attend classes. Students entering Rancho from outside the state of California must provide documentation of a TB test since entry into the state. If a test is positive (greater than 10mm) a copy of a chest x-ray report must also be submitted and cleared by the school nurse before registration is completed. GGUSD operates a clinic at the assessment and registration center at cook elementary school that provides immunization, TB testing and school physicals. Call 663-6411 for information regarding clinic times and services.
All parent-authorized medications must be taken in the nurse’s office under the observation of an approved staff member. If a student needs to take medication while on campus, a medicine authorization form must be completed by the student’s doctor and parent/guardian and be placed on file in the health office. The medication must be in a prescription container with a label stating the student’s name, the medication inside and the dose printed by the pharmacy. If the medicine is an over-the-counter medication the authorization form is still required, signed by the prescribing MD, and the student must provide the medicine in an unopened bottle to the health office. It is not recommended that students carry medicine on them while on campus, but may do so if the MD designates this on the authorization form. If a student has medication on campus, without the appropriate form on file, he/she may be at risk of suspension.
Medical Needs and Exemptions
If a student is unable to participate in physical education because of a medical reason you must bring a note from the doctor indicating the limitations. If a student is unable to attend school for an extended period of time because of medical issues, arrangements can be made for home instruction. Bring a note from the doctor requesting home teaching and the duration of time home teaching is needed, to the health office at Rancho.
Psychological Services
A school psychologist is available to consult with students experiencing problems that may interfere with achievement of their educational or personal goals. Students or concerned parents may make an appointment with the school psychologist through the guidance office. A member of the professional staff may also refer a student to the proper community resources for additional assistance if needed.