
Welcome Vaqueros!
I look forward to a year of learning and success! Please note that ALL agendas, class material, due dates, and intervention periods by class are posted via Google Classroom. Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to visit the students' Google Classroom to stay up to date on students' agendas and due dates.
I constantly update students' grades to keep you all updated on your student's progress in my class. FYI: If you see a RED BOX on AERIES, it is definitely a missing assignment that your student has not turned in. Let's work on meeting deadlines!
If you have any questions or concerns about the class or any assignments please do not hesitate to contact me. I prefer if you message me via Parent Square! You can also email me at [email protected] or call the main office to leave a message. They will inform me of your call, which I will return as soon as possible. Please note that any emails or calls directed to me will be answered/responded to within school hours only. Monday - Friday: 8:00 am-3:30 pm (except Holidays).
Thank you all for your support,
Mrs. Sanchez
Spanish and ELD Teacher
Club Advisor: Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
"La capacidad de un individuo no se mide por su inteligencia - querer es poder."