Sr. D. Isselín » Syllable separation

Syllable separation

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Separación en sílabas
Vocales Fuertes  A - E - O

Vocales Débiles I - U

I. Every syllable has to have at least one vowel.

II. A syllable can have two vowels if one is weak and the other is strong.

III. When two strong vowels appear together, they ae separated into their own syllabes.

IV. If a weak vowel has an accent, it has now changed into a strong vowel and will be separated from the other strong vowel.

V. A consonant between two vowels starts the next syllabe.

VI. Two consonants together are separated into their own syllables unless the second one is an "l" or an "r".

VII. Groups of three consonants are always divided into two syllables.